Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A nap and a mosque

Day two was less, shall we say explicit then Day one. I had the morning to myself and just wandered around the Fort neighborhood where my hotel is. I would of say this neighborhood is sort of like Park Slope but wildly different. Park Slope with a cow or two in the street and beggars with leprosy and three times as many people.

I also went to the High Court of Bombay, kinda of like a Federal Circuit court I think. That was cool. The building was finished in 1878 and is this four story maze of rooms and people. There's no air conditioning just lots of fans. Based on the five or six I saw the courtrooms have a couple of rows of chairs in the back for spectators or participants, then a railing and a few rows for the lawyers to wait in. The lawyers all wear black robes as do the judges. Then there's a podium for the presenting lawyers and the judges or judges sitting up front. The proceedings seem to be both in Hindi and English. It felt like a solemn and busy place.

Then I got a bite to eat and came back to my room and took a nap. Jet lag and heat catching up to me I guess. After I woke up I met up with Srini and we went to the Hali Aji Mosque. India is about 80.5% Hindi and 13% Muslim but that 13% built this beautiful mosque here in the late 1600's. They built a a lot of mosques actually but this one is really nice. Pictures will be posted. (FYI, They don't let you take pictures of the High Court.)

Today I'm planning a trip to the ship yards and Dahravi (the world's largest slum area). Then a cricket match tonight. The cricket match is part of a tour that is what Srini is working on.
